Information about the article. 13, Leg. 196/03, and consent to the processing of personal data.

It communicates to You that, pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 13 of Legislative Decree n. 196/03, laying down rules on the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data,

Costasangiorgio s.r.l. © 2015 - Apartments in Florence
Viale Vittorio Veneto, 7 - 59100 Prato
P.iva: 02209770979 - Tel: +39 0574-38418 - Fax: +39 0574-605125

as owner of the personal data you directly provided or which was gathered for contract relationships, it will process this data:

»Exclusively for purposes related to the realization of the object of the contract as well as for the management of the contract itself, especially with regard to accuracy, to manage customers and suppliers;

»In the manner provided by the laws and regulations in force and, in particular, the data will be collected at the aforementioned headquarters of the owner, will be recorded and processed on paper and also be treated with the help of electronic means - or automated - as well as through special databases;

»By individuals who for tasks and operate at the offices listed above Costasangiorgio S.R.L;

»Collected data will also be communicated and disclosed if this is required by these requirements as well as for purposes of scientific research or statistics.

The data will not be disclosed or communicated to third parties and can be accessed by contacting the Costasangiorgio S.R.L, controller, to verify the use or to correct, update, cancel or oppose to their treatment, according to art. 7 of that Act.

Cookie Policy
On the site you're visiting use of "cookies" of technologies to improve your browsing.

With this policy we want you to understand the characteristics and purposes of cookies and how to disable them if necessary.

In our capacity as controller of personal information we may modify this Policy at any time and any changes will take effect from the date of publication on the Site.

A. What are cookies?
Cookies are text files that the sites visited by the user to send his terminal (usually the browser) where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit to the same user.
Their operation is totally dependent on browsers that you use, and can be enabled or not by yourself.
The cookies we use on this Site are used to operate more efficiently your navigation and improve your online experience.

B. What are cookies used on this site?
Within our website we use cookies technicians.

1. Cookie technical
Cookies technicians are those necessary to operate the Site and to the services it offered.
I can be divided into cookies or browsing session that ensure the normal navigation and use of the Site; analytics cookies in order to collect information for statistical purposes and in the aggregate, the number of users and how they visit the same site; cookies customization that allow the user, improving the service, the navigation function of a number of selectable criteria (eg. the selected language, selected product)

2. Cookie profiling
Cookies profiling are those installed in order to create a profile for the user who is browsing the site, monitoring his behavior while browsing, and to send targeted advertising aimed at direct marketing.

C. Third Party Cookies
While navigating the Site you also receive, on its end, even cookie sites or other web server (cd cookie "Third Parties").
Third Parties (eg. Advertisers) may use their own cookies to obtain information on the actions you take in the site and then send the advertising relevant to your tastes.
The owner is not aware of all cookies Third Parties but only to those in point D.1: you will need to disable the remaining refer to the websites of Third Parties.

To consult the privacy policy of the company Google on the Google Analytics service, and give their consent to the use of these cookies, please refer to the website html.

How to change the settings on cookies

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your settings to disable this function. And 'you can block all kinds of cookies, or agree to receive only some and disable the other. "Options" or "Preferences" menu of the browser allows you to avoid receiving cookies and other tracking technologies user, and how to get notification from the browser of the activation of these technologies. Alternatively, you can also refer to the "Help" toolbar present in most browsers.